How much would you like to give?

Personal Info

Bank Transfers and Cheques

Piraeus Bank (Greece) :  Account: VOCI CONTRA TEMPO ΑMKE, IBAN: GR34 0171 5590 0065 5915 1538 427,  BIC PIRBGRAA


Write a cheque payable to "VOCI CONTRA TEMPO ΑMKE". On the memo line of the cheque, indicate that the "donation is for VOCI CONTRA TEMPO ΑMKE".

Mail your cheque to:

VOCI CONTRA TEMPO ΑMKE, 47 Steliou Kazantzidi,  P.O. Box 8111, Pylaia, Thessaloniki, 55535 Greece


Please note:

Our 'Thank You' confirmation page may hang or fail to load after pressing the Donate Now button. You can leave the page rather than wait. We will still see your donation and send you a personal email confirming and thanking you for the donation.

As the donation is by direct transfer or cheque (and not by a banking gateway) our "Thank You" page will state Payment status: pending. It does not mean that our the Bank has not received your donation. It simply means we have not logged into our bank account to confirm the donation.


We are a non-profit organisation, so your contribution may be tax-deductible. You will receive an email saying we received your submission and payment is 'Pending'. When we are able to check our bank statement, you will get another email and receipt saying that your donation is complete.


Your support is greatly appreciated!




Donation Total: €25,00